Rock Duo Double EP
Two-faced design for a two disc album

Merchandise Design & Media Services
Rock duo Tempercrush approached Elevation Arts for the design and photography of their double-album EP.
They wanted an album cover of each half of them making a whole with inverted coloring.
Elevation Arts felt greyscale close ups of their faces would be the most striking way to carry out this vision.
The first step was having a photo shoot with the guys. It was fun watching and coaching them model.
Once we selected photos of each of them from the shoot, we edited and processed them digitally to simplify the coloring into greyscale.
Then we went back over the photos and hand drew details that were lost in processing.
Finally we used their logo’s typewriter aesthetic to create a little ode to the Washington, DC flag on the back cover, the city that brought these two rocker souls together.
The design package included:
Photo Editing
Photo Design
Album Design
Album Layout & Packaging